Leveraging Data and AI in Sustainability

A four-week online course on scaling data use to accelerate sustainability initiatives and developing a fit-for-purpose data and AI strategy to drive informed sustainability decisions, with a focus on climate and nature.

The course starts Sep 10, 2024. Enrollments close Sep 9, 2024.

Live sessions: Tuesdays from 8-9:30am PT

Course level: Intermediate

About this course

This course will provide you with practical strategies for leveraging data and AI to fast-track sustainability goals. From maximizing existing data capabilities to utilizing specialized software solutions to facilitating data sharing (and more!), you’ll learn to harness tools that streamline reporting, inform decision-making processes, and optimize algorithms that work for the planet and advance the ecosystem. You will learn how to develop data strategies, align teams, and engage stakeholders for impactful sustainability solutions.

You will leave the course empowered to solve sustainability challenges with data-driven solutions. No prior experience in data or technology is required.

Who is this program for?

Sustainability professionals and consultants

Engage data teams to incorporate data-driven initiatives into your sustainability strategy, roadmap, or your client engagements

Data analysts, engineers, and scientists

Apply your data and AI skills to your company’s sustainability initiatives to improve outcomes

Business and product stakeholders

Build data-based business cases, lead change programs, and track outcomes for sustainability initiatives

Marketing and communications professionals

Weave sustainability into your market intelligence and tell better stories with sustainability data

What climate skills you'll learn

Recognize data opportunities

Identify data opportunities that can drive sustainability actions, such as data quality, broader access to data, data alliances, and the relevant use of AI

Assess data maturity and strategy

Evaluate data maturity in comparison to sustainability goals and create strategic roadmaps to leverage data effectively for sustainability initiatives

Build the business case for climate innovation

Understand how to effectively communicate the benefits and returns on investment of sustainability data to key stakeholders

Change management

Drive organizational change by engaging with data counterparts to integrate sustainability into data roadmaps and optimizing organizational structure to support sustainability goals

Advocacy and influence

Champion the integration of impactful KPIs as incentives and goals, aligning them with sustainability objectives to drive meaningful impact

event concluded

How data and AI can accelerate climate initiatives

Join Dr. Karine Serfaty, 3-time Chief Data Officer with comprehensive training in climate risks and solutions, as she discusses how trusted data at scale can accelerate the progress of sustainability initiatives. Dr. Serfaty will introduce the ‘3 Is of Data Impact’ framework and illustrate its application with industry examples, including corporates across various sectors and data and AI innovators.

The Terra.do difference

Live lab groups

You will meet weekly with the instructor and fellow learners to share perspectives

Skills-based learning

You will engage in individual real-world assignments to immediately apply the skills you’ve learned

Personalized attention

Meet with the instructor 1-on-1 and get individualized feedback on your assignments

Asynchronous and synchronous learning

Flexible learning options to fit your learning style

Meet the course creator

Dr Karine Serfaty

CEO and Founder Shyftr; Ex-CDO, The Economist; Former ITV plc and SVP @ The New York Times

Karine is a seasoned strategy and data executive driving sustainability transformation. She is the founder of Shyftr, a consultancy and education firm dedicated to powering corporate sustainability initiatives with trusted data at scale. She previously held senior strategy and data roles at iconic media companies, helping The New York Times, ITV, and The Economist Group transform themselves and set new foundations for success in response to the twin digital and sustainability disruptions.

Course schedule

Week One: The role of data in driving sustainability progress; the opportunity and risks of AI
  • Readings/viewing: Sustainability reporting standards, Roadmap to sustainability-intelligent companies (Shyftr), AI to combat climate change (WEF), Impact of AI on climate (Nature)
  • Readings/viewing: AI use case examples (Forbes), Analytics for sustainable transformation (Towards Data Science), Open Net Zero Partnership for Carbon Transparence (PACT), Perseus project (Icebreaker One)
  • Assignment: Outline the progress an organization of your choice could make on its sustainability objectives by making data more trustworthy, scaling data operations, sharing data, or using external data-based products
  • Readings/viewings: From chasing data to driving impact (SOS podcast)
  • Readings/viewings: Data value chain (IB1), How to make the most of your sustainability data (SOS podcast)
  • Assignment: Create a data strategy for a company of your choice to help them accelerate their sustainability commitments

Pricing and expected commitment

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Our fellows say it best

Sagal Abshir

"The Terra.do course and community are doing the essential work of educating us for the world to come, and coaching and inspiring us to prepare for the critical role each of us needs to play."

Environment Security Unit Head at UN Environment Programme (Kenya)
Valiullah Hashmi

“When you choose to enroll for a program with Terra.Do, you are taking the first steps towards creating and living in your new home. The people, the culture, the knowledge, all of it is instrumental in shaping your transformation into a planet centric human being.”

Lead Designer at BFA Global (India)

Frequently asked questions

The course is four weeks long and will be offered from Sep 10 to Oct 1, 2024. Live sessions will run on Tuesdays from 8am-9:30am PT and are structured with 60 minutes of content delivery and 30 minutes of discussion. Attendance is strongly encouraged, but recordings will also be made available.

Those who will benefit most from this course are individuals passionate about driving sustainability initiatives within their organizations or industries. Whether you’re a sustainability professional looking to deepen your understanding of data-driven strategies or a data professional eager to apply your skills to drive sustainability outcomes, this course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to make a meaningful impact.

Participants with a general understanding of sustainability strategy and its goals in a corporate context and/or some experience in the data space (e.g. on in a corporate, financial, consulting, or start-up setting)  will benefit most from the course. Prior knowledge of climate risk and regulation and/or the ESG rating space is also useful but not required.  

Several organizations have learning or professional development budgets for their employees. We encourage you to enquire about and utilize this budget to attend the course. Terra.do will help you get reimbursed for the course by providing an invoice, a certificate, and any other documentation you need. If you have approval from your company, we can also arrange for your company to pay directly.

We expect to run more cohorts given ongoing demand for this course.

Financial aid is not available for this course.

If you’re unsatisfied for any reason after the first session, we’ll refund you 100%. We only request that you give us feedback so we can improve.

You can defer your enrollment up until 14 days after the course starts.

If you have a question about this course that isn’t covered in the FAQ, please email us at sustainabilitydata@terra.do.

Learn the skills to work on climate