Mastering Carbon Markets

A four-week course to understand the core dynamics of environmental markets, their critical transformational role and impact on the future global economy, and how market design determines price trajectory and market behavior.

Course level: Introductory

Fellows will get free access to cCarbon’s platform for the duration of the course – worth over $1000/month to commercial users.​

About this course

You’ll learn how carbon markets function, how corporations are utilizing carbon markets to help meet their environmental compliance goals, and the use and risk of carbon offsets. When complete, you will be fluent in the language of carbon markets and possess insights enabling you to take full advantage of this great economic shift and its opportunities.

Humanity’s greatest problem is the environmental crisis, our greatest tool is the free market. Our greatest tool applied to our greatest problem = environmental markets. 


Oil and fossil fuels have been critical resources in the global economy for the last century, but the new limiting factor of economic production is now our own atmosphere. Carbon markets and related environmental commodities are set to emerge as the dominant commodity group in all economic production.


These markets are new and misunderstood by many, this course will ensure you have a full grasp of their fundamentals and their evolving impact on every aspect of the economy.

This is the first in a series of courses that will be offered in partnership with cCarbon. This course will provide the entry point, and further advanced modules and branch courses will develop expert skill sets in environmental attribute pricing, forecasting, trading strategies, and engaging with specific types of environmental commodity markets: Cap-and-Trade, Offsets, and Clean Fuels, and Other Environmental Attributes.

Who is this program for?

Commodity traders

Equip yourself to enter the environmental commodities trade and understand their unique dynamic.

Investors and financiers

Analyze the relative investment opportunities, risk, and return profiles across this booming alternate asset class.

Sustainability managers

Grasp how your company can use carbon to fulfil its environmental commitments.


Understand how carbon markets can achieve impactful climate impacts and identify their shortfalls.

NGOs and advocacy groups

Gain tools and knowledge to advocate for effective carbon market policies and practices.

Academics and researchers

Expand your understanding of carbon markets to support academic research and teaching.

What climate skills you'll learn

Carbon market theory

Learn how carbon markets work, how they are designed to achieve emission reductions, and how they generate a price signal.

Carbon market regulations and policies

Overview of current and emerging regulations at the national and international levels, and their implications for carbon markets.

Environmental commodity trading

Gain knowledge of market patterns and opportunities within this space.

Carbon market compliance

Understand how corporations comply with governmental and internal environmental targets.

Carbon risk management

Identify business environmental liabilities and the impact of the sustainable transition on your cost and revenue structures.

free webinar

Investing in Carbon: A New Asset Class Attracting Attention

Those in the know are making big bets on carbon. Join Harry Horner, Head of Strategy at cCarbon to discover why the investment opportunity in carbon markets are proving to be so attractive. Explore why some carbon market returns are seen as low or no risk and discover how you might take advantage.

The difference

Live lab groups

You will meet weekly with the instructor and fellow learners to share perspectives

Skills-based learning

You will engage in individual real-world assignments to immediately apply the skills you’ve learned

Personalized attention

Meet with the instructor 1-on-1 and get individualized feedback on your assignments

Asynchronous and synchronous learning

Flexible learning options to fit your learning style

Course partner

cKinetics, a global Sustainability Advisory and Solutions firm, has a platform, which is a leader in carbon markets insights and forecasting. Our team has been laser-focused on carbon market development for more than a decade. We initially focused on California and North America, but now we have a global scope, covering cap-and-trade programs, clean fuels, REC markets, and associated environmental commodities. Our customers include some of the world’s largest energy companies and industrials, as well as top-tier investors and financial firms – who have been trusting our forecasting and analysis since the inception of these markets.

Meet the course creators

Harry Horner

Head of Strategy at cCarbon

Harry Horner is the Head of Strategy at and has been involved in environmental markets for nearly a decade. He has spoken and given workshops around the world on environmental markets and has been used by corporates to help initiate their understanding and trading activities in the domain.

Arpit Soni

Associate Director at cCarbon

Arpit is a seasoned industry expert with over a decade of experience in climate policy and environmental markets. He has held various roles across government, private, and non-profit sectors. Notably, Arpit led the policy and markets team for California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program and contributed to Amazon’s decarbonization strategy as part of its worldwide sustainability team. He holds a Master’s degree in Climate and Society from Columbia University.

Course schedule

Week One: Introduction and overview
  • Overview: How do carbon markets work? What are the different types and current operational markets?
  • Overview: How do fundamentals and market design impact global carbon market prices? How do prices affect corporate decision-making
  • Assignment: Complete a carbon market atlas
  • Overview: What are carbon credit retirements and reductions, and how do they contribute to corporate compliance? Setting internal carbon prices and understanding abatements costs. The use and risks of offsets.
  • Assignment: Complete a cost-optimized corporate compliance strategy for a company with climate liabilities
  • Overview: What are reputable data sources, and how do you build carbon market forecasting models? What are the current investment trends and strategies
  • Assignment: Develop a carbon trading strategy

Pricing and expected commitment

Frequently asked questions

The course is four weeks long and will be offered from Jul 8 to Jul 29, 2024. Live sessions will run on Mondays from 8am-9:00am PT. Attendance is strongly encouraged, but recordings will also be made available.

This course is designed for individuals interested in exploring careers in carbon markets and environmental commodities but unsure of the specific role they want to pursue.Whether your current or future role directly involves environmental regulation and markets, this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how they interconnect. You will gain the knowledge necessary to confidently navigate and communicate within this landscape, enabling you to make an informed decision about your desired career path.

No prior knowledge is needed. A basic understanding of how markets and prices work will be helpful.

Several organizations have learning or professional development budgets for their employees. We encourage you to enquire about and utilize this budget to attend the course. will help you get reimbursed for the course by providing an invoice, a certificate, and any other documentation you need. If you have approval from your company, we can also arrange for your company to pay directly.

We expect to run more cohorts given ongoing demand for this course.

Financial aid is not available for this course.

If you’re unsatisfied for any reason after the first session, we’ll refund you 100%. We only request that you give us feedback so we can improve.

You can defer your enrollment up until 14 days after the course starts.

If you have a question about this course that isn’t covered in the FAQ, please email us at

Learn the skills to work on climate