Team size: 51 - 200

Sector: Energy

About WKN

Founded date: 1990

Connect: wkn-group.com

Company stage: Other

WKN GmbH has been planning, developing, financing and building high-calibre wind energy projects since 1990. As one of the pioneers of the German wind energy scene, the company from Husum has been a leading developer for decades as well as having a presence in many international markets. By the mid of 2019, WKN had already built 1,565 megawatts of installed capacity in its 117 projects. WKN has been building and implementing major projects in the USA, Italy, Poland, France and Sweden since 2007. At the same time, the company from Husum is targeting new potential growth markets. WKN consistently focuses on long-term strategies and cooperation with local partners. Wind farms planned by WKN feature in the portfolios of well-known national and international corporations, institutional investors and utilities, and WKN then continues to successfully operate them. Their services include site evaluation, development, planning, financing, turnkey construction, operation, and commercial and technical management of wind farms. In the future WKN will be adding more services to the existing product portfolio to position itself even more strongly in the markets, focussing in particular on financial services, wind planning services, construction, operational management, repowering and energy supply. WKN GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNE AG, Cuxhaven.

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