Water Environment Federation

Water Environment Federation

Team size: 201 - 500

Sector: Natural resources, land and water


About Water Environment Federation

Founded date: 1928

Connect: wef.org

Company stage: Other

Formed in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and its global network of Member Associations help provide water quality professionals with the latest in water quality education, training, and business opportunities. WEF's diverse membership includes scientists, engineers, regulators, academics, plant managers and operators, and other professionals working in the United States and around the world. As a membership organization, WEF uses the collective knowledge of its membership to further a shared goal of improving water quality. Together, WEF and its members: research and publish the latest information on wastewater treatment and water quality protection; provide technical expertise and training on issues including wastewater collection, treatment, reuse, and operations; residuals and utility management; sustainability; and emerging water quality issues such as microconstituents; sponsor conferences and other special events; and review, testify, and comment on environmental regulations and legislation. For more details on WEF’s published magazines, journals, books, study guides and other technical materials, please visit www.e-wef.org/

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