Terra.do - the largest upskilling platform for the clean economy

With investment from Boundless - we’re preparing Australians for the clean economy by providing top-tier education and creating a community of learners

Check out the Terra.do Australia launch events

Hear from climate tech leaders and Terra.do alum
Melbourne Launch Event

Speaker: Tim Washington, CEO & CO-Founder, JET Charge

Terra.do alum: Technology Strategist (Helen); Impact Investor (Katarina); Partnership Builder (Annelieke)

Sydney Launch Event

Speaker: Alex Logan, CEO & CO-Founder, Cecil Earth

Terra.do alum: Start-up Founder (Rujuta); Community Builder (Melissa)

Kickstart your climate action journey

Terra.do is on a mission to enable Australian workers to support the clean economy - by providing best in class education and a life-long community of passionate learners

climate fellowship

Climate Change: Learning for Action

A deep dive into the full climate change landscape. Kickstart your journey with a 12-week climate education and solutions bootcamp, starting on May 28, 2024.

Enter your details to receive a course syllabus and pricing information


Graduated cohorts




Avg. course rating

Hear from our Alumni

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Eric Li

Product Manager (USA)

“When I started Terra, I was unsure what should be done to solve climate change,  and felt alone in trying to figure it all out. Now, at the end of my Terra course, I am clear on what we need to do, feel confident that I can and must play my part, and have a strong community of friends and colleagues working to solve climate change. I’m now joining a climate tech company as a product manager.”

Jessica Claus

Sales Professional (USA)

“I went into the LFA program with a limited view of the climate space and walked away excited about all the different directions I could take my career. The program helped me gain a robust understanding of all things climate change and I feel better-equipped to identify my career path forward, and speak confidently and knowledgeably in climate-related conversations and interviews.”

Rujuta Natu

Mantaray Co-Founder (Australia)

“As an online course, I was mainly interested in learning the content. What I was surprised to discover was the strength of the online, global and truly supportive community, which is just what I needed at a time when I was considering a career transition into the climate space.”

Learn from world-class educators

Kamal Kapadia, Ph.D.

Course Creator and Terra.do Co-Founder

Dr. Kamal Kapadia has 25 years of work, research and teaching experience in the fields of climate change, clean energy and sustainable development. She started her career in the late 1990s working for solar PV startups SELCO in India and Sri Lanka, and Solarcentury (now Statkraft) in the UK. She has consulted on clean energy planning with the World Bank and also managed research and communications for Blue Planet Foundation in Hawaii, the organization that successfully lobbied for the U.S.’s first state-level 100% renewable energy law. Kamal was also a research fellow at the Environmental Change Institute, Univ. of Oxford, where she taught extensively on the Master’s program in Environmental Change and Management.

Kamal holds an M.Sc. in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford and a Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley. You can follow Kamal on Twitter.


Speak with climate experts

Lively and engaging sessions that are designed to help you understand the practical applications of what you learn each week.

David Roberts

Climate journalist, previously at Vox and Grist (USA)

Kimiko Hirata

Goldman Environmental Prize Winner (Japan)

Dr. Tracey Osborne

Director of the California Center for Climate Justice (USA)

Jamie Alexander

Director, Drawdown Labs (USA)

Dr. Jeremy Leggett

Founder, Solarcentury and Highlands Rewilding (UK)

Dr. Zeke Hausfather

Climate Research Lead, Stripe and Lead Author, IPCC (USA)

Alison Smart

Executive Director, Probable Futures (USA)

Personalised, current and career focused education

Our skilled instructors have advanced degrees and/or global experience in climate change work and education. They're your first port of call for questions you have as you go through your learning journey.

Climate lab groups

Once a week, you will meet with your instructor in small-group sessions for:

Up-to-date material

We update our learning material to stay cutting-edge:

Real-world assignments

You will engage in individual and team projects designed to:

Personal attention

We track every fellow’s progress and ensure people get the support they need:

Job search support

After completion of LFA, you’ll get access to a climate career coach to help you:

Course syllabus

Week One

Welcome and Orientation
Introductions, orientation to the course, and the first assignment


Climate Science 1: Earth’s energy balance, greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases, radiative/climate forcing.


Climate Science 2: The work of climate scientists, the role of observations and statistics, introduction to climate models

Climate Science 3: Emissions, Stocks and the Global Carbon Cycle
Global Warming Potentials, the global carbon cycle, emissions, stocks, and concentrations

Understanding Global Impacts
Why 1.5C, global impacts today, tipping points, global carbon budget, shared socio-economic pathways


Local Events and Climate Change
Extreme event attribution and unpacking media narratives; useful tools and visualizations

Climate Change and Development
Exploring creative models that work for humans and the environment

Economics of Climate Change
Market failure model vs. other perspectives, a critical review of the social costing of carbon, carbon markets and pricing


Global Climate Politics and Justice
Global negotiations, global political movements, fairness and justice

Mitigating Climate Change: A Systems Perspective
En-ROADS workshop facilitated by a Climate Interactive Ambassador


Energy and Climate Change 1
Energy and power, global energy challenges and opportunities, renewable energy technologies, quantitative analysis in clean energy.


Energy Deep Dive (Optional)
Energy and power, efficiency and capacity factors, load curves and load duration curves, energy economics, and some energy case studies in Hawaii and India.

Energy and Climate Change
Electrifying everything. Decarbonizing transport, buildings and industry

Food and Farming
Fixing a broken food system through regenerative agriculture and decarbonization of supply chains


Carbon Removal
Natural sequestration (ocean, soil and forest-based) and technological carbon removal

Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets overview, critiques, challenges and opportunities, case studies

Climate Finance 1
Investing in climate action: Trends, opportunities and challenges


Climate Finance 2
Integrating climate risk into financial models and decision making

Climate Adaptation and Resilience
Concepts and toolkit for practice, real-world examples


Corporate Climate Action
A guide to leading a sustainable business

Communicating Climate Change
Psychology of communicating for advocacy and action

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academic advisory board

Steered by distinguished experts

Meet our academic advisory board comprised of leaders in the fields of climate science, social entrepreneurship, clean energy, climate finance, climate justice, transformative leadership, climate policy, and resilience. They guide and help maintain the high quality of our learning offerings.

Dr. Katharine Wilkinson

Executive Director, The All We Can Save Project (USA)

Dr. Wilkinson (she/her) is an author, strategist, teacher, and one of 15 “women who will save the world,” according to Time magazine.
Dr. Charles Fletcher

Interim Dean, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (USA)

Dr. Fletcher is an award-winning educator and researcher. He focuses on natural coastal ecosystems and coastal community resiliency.

Dr. Sarah Burch

Associate Professor, University of Waterloo (Canada)

Dr. Burch is an expert on transformative community responses to climate change, and on sustainability and small businesses.

Dr. Harish Hande

Founder, SELCO (India)

Dr. Hande is the chairman of SELCO India, which provides affordable renewable energy to poor and underserved households in rural India.
Dr. Gordon L. Clark

Senior Consultant and Emeritus Professor, Oxford University (UK)

Dr Clark has held academic appointments at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Law School and Carnegie Mellon.
Dr. Radhika Khosla

Associate Professor, Oxford University (UK)

Dr. Khosla is an associate professor at the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment. She studies the growing demand for cooling energy.

Pricing and expected commitment

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Intensive program

12 week duration, between 6-10 hours of time commitment per week.

Exclusive events

8+ expert live guest talks, fireside chats and workshops available for later viewing.

Focused groups

Each class has just 20-25 fellows with a diversity of skills, background & passion.

100% Online

100% online, with instructors available via Zoom, Slack and email.

Our programs

Browse the full list of our intensive cohort-based learning programs. And do check back in as we add programs often!

Solutions-based courses

Deep dives on high-leverage climate solutions from expert industry practitioners within specific sectors and functions.

Chad Spitler

Founder and CEO of Third Economy

Align your finances with your personal passion for climate and social impact

Skills: Capital markets, sustainable finance and investing, climate-information financial decision-making


Silvan Aeschlimann

Former Direct Air Capture and Storage lead at RMI

Examine CDR pathways and their advantages, challenges, and risks

Skills: Understanding the role of CDR, evaluating CDR solutions, using CDR effectively in emission reduction efforts

François Burra

Co-founder, Climate Product Leaders, 3X product lead

Acquire techniques and tools to measure and reduce digital product emissions

Skills: Digital emissions accounting, designing climate-efficient digital products, minimizing the impact of product delivery

Janice Lao

Co-Founder, Project Eleven 
and 3X Head of Sustainability

Strategies to measure and reduce the carbon emissions of supply chains

Skills: Conducting life cycle analysis, engaging stakeholders, assessing climate impacts

Dr. Laney Siegner

Founder & Co-Director, Climate Farm School

Learn about the climate impact of food systems and the solutions within them

Skills: Food and agriculture system thinking, building a food system climate action plan, on-farm working experience

Jennifer Turliuk

Angel investor, entrepreneur (acquired), Partner and Director of Climate Angels

Unlock your potential as an angel investor in climate tech

Skills: Crafting a climate thesis, sourcing startups, building syndicates

Zach Birnholz

Energy Expert

Explore the fundamental principles of the clean energy transition

Skills: Understanding the grid, energy scenarios analysis, identifying decarbonization potential

Climate Change Software Developer Course Jason Curtis Jamie Curtis

Jaime Curtis and Jason Curtis

Co-Founders, Option Zero

Explore four major applications of software in climate

Skills: Energy modeling, public data sources, AI for geospatial insights, understanding the software/hardware interface

Dr. Laney Siegner

Founder & Co-Director, Climate Farm School

Understand the critical role of regen ag in addressing climate change

Skills: Soil sampling, cultivating soil health, scaling regenerative agriculture

Corporate climate courses

Practical courses on effective actions to achieve Net Zero from veterans in corporate sustainability.

Deborah McNamara

Executive Director, ClimateVoice

Strategies to advocate for climate policies and drive climate action within companies
Skills: Persuasive communication, understanding of corporate climate policy, workplace advocacy

Daniel Hill

Director of Business and Innovation, Environmental Defense Fund

Explore the role of climate innovation within corporate sustainability

Skills: Design-thinking, understanding innovation levers, building a business case for climate solutions

Dr Karine Serfaty

3X Chief Data Officer New York Times, ITV and The Economist)

Data scaling and the use of AI to accelerate sustainability
Skills: Data applications in sustainability, assessing data maturity, recognizing data opportunities

Zikri Jaafar

Course Creator, Head of Enterprise Learning at Terra.do

Learn core climate principles and map them to your team’s business objectives
Skills: Understanding of climate science, evaluating climate solutions, designing a climate action plan

David Jaber

Founder, Climate Positive Consulting

Understand the principles and methods of carbon accounting for businesses

Skills: Carbon accounting, life-cycle analysis, implementing net zero strategies

Katherine Markova

Climate Consultant, former Big 4 Director

Determine climate reporting requirements for your company
Skills: Decipher climate disclosures, materiality assessments, integrated reporting

Claire Veuthey

Principal and Founder, Rizoma Ventures

Build foundational knowledge of ESG for businesses and investors

Skills: Using ESG ratings, identifying greenwashing, systems thinking

Any questions?

If you have questions about this course or launch events – reach out to Simone Pianko

Simone Pianko

Head of Australia, Terra.do

Learn the skills to work on climate