STABL Energy

STABL Energy

Team size: 51 - 200

Sector: Energy

About STABL Energy

Founders: Arthur Singer

Founded date: 2019


Investors: European Innovation Council

Company stage: Other

STABL Energy strives for sustainable energy use with its power conversion technology. Our goal is to increase the deployment of energy storage for renewable energy by setting a new standard for battery storage. With our easy-to-integrate technology, we improve battery storage systems in terms of design, safety, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and handling. Our power conversion system also allows seamless and easy integration of used car batteries, which extends the lifetime of batteries and reduces their resource consumption. Thus, STABL Energy enables the most profitable and sustainable battery systems. Our approach of building strong partnerships inside and outside the company, combined with our next-generation technology, enables us to pursue our mission: to preserve our planet for the future by providing clean and stable energy access for all. Join us in setting a new standard for battery storage systems.

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