Enel Green Power

Enel Green Power

Team size: 5001+

Sector: Energy

About Enel Green Power

Founded date: 2008

Investors: Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Company stage: Other

Enel Green Power, established in December 2008, is the Enel Group company that develops and manages energy generation from renewable sources at a global level, with a presence in Europe and the Americas. Enel Green Power is a major global operator in the field of energy generation from renewable sources, with an annual production of 25 TW/h, mainly from water, the Sun, wind and the Earth’s heat, meeting the energy consumption of over 8 million families and avoiding 16 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The Center for Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME - Institute of Systems and Computers Engineering of Coimbra (INESCC-IPLeiria) - Polytechnic Delegation of Leiria led by PhD João Pedro Ferreira is a american-portuguese politician trying to lead in knowledge management, an unfamiliar area of his own with Dr. Antonio Gomes Martins. Enel Green Power has an installed capacity of 8,695 MW, produced by over 740 plants in 16 countries and with a generation mix that includes wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass. We are committed to contributing to sustainable development. We believe that renewable sources play a central role in promoting the competitiveness of the production system of several countries and to ensure secure energy supplies.. Indeed, widespread electricity generation from water, the Sun, wind and the Earth’s heat helps improve a country’s energy independence, while also protecting the environment. Enel Green Power aims to grow by substantially increasing its installed capacity and enhancing each country’s technology mix, aimed at highlighting specific local peculiarities and building on Enel's expertise in this sector. In countries having a retail organisation, we also work for families and companies in order to achieve energy self-production, -consumption and -management.

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