Clean Energy Program Analyst

2 Months ago

Topeka, Kansas, United States

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Job Description

Cadmus, LLC is seeking a Clean Energy Program Analyst in Topeka, KS, to support a federal client in achieving climate and clean energy goals. The role involves managing federal grants for decarbonization strategies, focusing on building energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation. Responsibilities include program administration, financial tracking, and data analysis throughout the grants lifecycle. Candidates should have a relevant bachelor's degree, five years of experience, and strong analytical and communication skills.

The Cadmus Group

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The Cadmus Group

The Cadmus Group

About this company

Founders:Gene Fax, Ralph Jones

Founded date:1983

Investors:Enlightenment Capital



Cadmus ( helps government, non-profit, and corporate clients address critical challenges in the environmental, energy and public health protection sectors. We provide an array of research and analytical services more

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